Don't hesitate, contact us for any information




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Please send us a message with what your needs are and how we can accomodate.

Our Process


Contact Us

Send us a message and let us know what you are interested in and as much details as possible so that we may best assist you.



Let us discuss your vision and which package works for you.


Day of Session

On the day of your session we will sign your release forms and take remaining payment of your balance. Your session will be anywhere from 1 up to 4 hours depending on your session type.


Receipt of Images

You can choose to receive your images digitally or via a CD mailed to your home. We offer prints for an additional cost. Those costs will be based on your needs for size, number, and style of prints you desire. Those costs are available upon request.


How many pictures will we receive?

25-30 edited high resolution digital images

What’s the best time to have a session with a newborn?

We want our newborns to be photographed around 7-14 days old and always first thing in the morning. Bring plenty of milk to keep the baby full and calm. If your baby takes a pacifier it is always great to have that handy too.

How should we dress for our family session?

If you have a specific idea of what you want then we will go over that information in detail during your client consultation. If you need some assistance we can work together to find the perfect look for you!

We don’t feel very confident in front of the camera, is that ok?

We love to capture those moments when you are most relaxed. We have two photographers on site for each session to ensure all the details are left up to our eyes to find. Leave the hard work to us.